新加坡项目New Bahru,以逃离千篇一律的购物中心模板为前提,外观呈现为经过精心翻新的学校建筑。消费者可以在没有计划的情况下来到这里,花上一天的时间四处闲逛,感受该项目的与众不同之处。随着项目的逐步对外开放,New Bahru将举办一系列的快闪活动和品牌活动,尤其是新加坡首屈一指的零售体验“温室2024”,展示各种可持续家居和生活方式品牌的运行理念。 Te project is a lovingly refurbished school building to escape the mundaneness of cookie-cutter malls, where people can come without a plan, yet spend a day wandering around.As the property gradually opens, New Bahru is set to host a captivating array of pop-ups and events, such as Green-House 2024, Singapore’s premier retail experience, showcasing a wide range of local sustainable home and lifestyle brands.