Coded Scape is an urban landscape architectural project of 10.000 m2 that surrounds the Hangzhou Future City Experience Center, in Hangzhou, capital and most populous city of Zhejiang Province, China.

The Future City Experience Center, a showroom of smart technologies applied to the urban realm, is one of the buildings that make up a new Tech Hub in the Fuyang District of Hangzhou, city known to be home of Chinese tech industry leading companies.

Our intention was to transfer to the surrounding landscape this strong tech character, playing with the idea of binary code, in the form of black & white or full & empty, applied to the base canvas of the landscape, the pavement & the greenery. Thus, the pavement & greenery patterns resemble a binary code language, onto which we insert colorful bits of activity, as platforms for social interaction within the space.

Inspired by the modular rhythm of the main building’s structure, we trace an imaginary grid that helps us to allocate and distribute geometrical landscape features in different scales, from tiny pixels of grass, passing through middle patches of geometrical bushes to bigger platforms of urban furniture & activity areas for education & entertainment.

在整个景观中,我们战略性地放置了几个焦点,作为休息区或聚集点,以及教育、休闲和娱乐空间。 通过这种方式,可以在步行入口处找到一个圆形广场作为游客的集合点; 位于观景台旁边的机器人游乐场 ,供孩子们娱乐; 一个系列的4个迷你广场构成了主流通区旁边的主要教育和活动区; 一个平静的编码花园被放置在了建筑物之间,以便为两座建筑物的工人和游客提供休息场所。
Within the entire landscape we strategically place a few focal points, either as resting areas or gathering points, as well as educational, leisure & entertainment spaces. In this way, a Circle’s Plaza can be found at the pedestrian entrance as a meeting point for visitors; a Bots Playground is located right next to the observation tower for the entertainment of kids; a series of 4 mini-plazas make up the main educational & activity area right by the side of the main circulation area; and a calm Coded Garden is placed in between the buildings in order to serve them both as a resting spot for workers and visitors from both buildings.

Altogether, the landscape enhances and stimulates the experience of visitors in the public realm even before entering the Experience Center.

设计团队:Marcial Jesús,Javier González,Mónica Páez,Lara Broglio, Michelle,龚勋,蒋静璇,赵芳波,黄思韻,张忠进 & 刘耘彤,沈春香
项目管理团队: 范江涛,吕强& 江清霞
面积: 10,000 m2
摄影师: 邹及人

佰筑由Marcial Jesús于2013年创立于上海,现由三位合伙人Javier González(西班牙),范江涛(中国)与Marcial Jesús(智利)共同领导,是一家国际合作设计事务所。佰筑成立的初衷,在于通过营造能惠及所有人的品质一流、富于创新与激动人心的公共空间,改善我们的城市环境,提升市民在公共空间的体验。
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