冲绳北部将建主题乐园JUNGLIA,预计2025年夏季开园。乐园位于被登录为世界自然遗产的山原地区内,将带来恐龙主题娱乐设施和热气球升空等户外体验。园区占地达60公顷,为全日本数一数二规模,更由日本环球影城总经理率领团队联手企划,将带来在城市中所无法领略到的精彩户外体验。 The theme park JUNGLIA will be built in northern Okinawa and is expected to open in the summer of 2025. The park is located in the mountain area, where is registered as a World Natural Heritage, offering outdoor experiences such as dinosaur themed entertainment facilities and hot air balloon launches.Covering an area of 60 hectares, the park is one of the largest in Japan and is jointly planned by a team led by the General manager of Universal Studios Japan, which will bring wonderful outdoor experiences that can not be enjoyed in the city area.