

字号+ 作者:Echo 来源:赢商网 2021-09-28 我要评论

teamLab与中洲湾C Future City达成合作



teamLab与中洲湾C Future City达成合作。


来源 | 中洲未来实验室

图片&视频来源 | teamLab/中洲湾C Future City

From Tokyo to Beijing, Taipei, New York, London, Paris, Singapore, Silicon Valley, Melbourne and other cities in the world, the international art team teamLab has created a succession of art exhibitions in recent years, which triggered a global upsurge and attracted worldwide visitors. teamLab exhibitions occupied major media and social platforms, and enthralled many stars and trendsetters around the world.
teamLab Future Park, an educational project based on the concept of co-creation, has exhibitions held in different places around the world since March 2013, attracting more than 10 million visitors by March 2019, which keeps growing.
2021年9月,teamLab未来游乐园(常设馆)正式确定落户深圳中洲湾C Future City。
In September 2021, teamLab Future Park (Permanent Exhibit) was officially announced to be located in C Future City, Shenzhen.

 teamLab创始人猪子寿之谈及与中洲湾C Future City的合作
Inoko Toshiyuki, the founder of teamLab, mentioned about the cooperation with C Future City.
teamLab秉持着世间万物都存在于没有边界的连续性上的理念,一直以来致力于通过艺术,摸索人与世界的关系和新的认知。而新型城市综合体中洲湾C Future City则致力于探索,人与城市、自然、艺术、科技如何共生。当艺术融入城市公共空间,用艺术赋予建筑以温度,必将带来独具匠心的生活方式体验空间,并为深圳创造新的生活美学
teamLab adheres to the concept that everything in the world exists in borderless continuity to explore the relationship between man and the world and new cognition through art. While new urban complex C Future City is committed to exploring coexist of human with the city, nature, art, science and technology. When art is integrated into urban public space to warm buildings, a unique lifestyle experience space and new life aesthetics will be created in Shenzhen.
teamLab自2001年起开始活动,目前由纽约佩斯画廊(Pace Gallery)承担艺术作品代理。成员包括艺术家、程序员、工程师、CG动画师、数学家和建筑师等来自各个领域,不同国籍的数百位专家。teamLab是指进行集体创作实验的实验室,因而所有teamLab艺术品都是由团队共同创作,而非个人创建的。
teamLab has been active since 2001 and is currently represented by Pace Gallery in New York. It has hundreds of members from different fields and countries, including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects experts. teamLab refers to the laboratory for collective creation experiments, and all works of art are created by teams rather than individuals.
 teamLab《远古神灵故事》© teamLab
Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere © teamLab
The art works created by teamLab were collected by major art institutions around the world, such as Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Arts South Australia in Adelaide, Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, etc.
teamLab's art works focus on personal experience, most of which are interactive and relevant. Actual existence of visitors is very important, as they will trigger changes in art works. Other visitors will find that participation will cause beautiful interactive changes in the works, and existence of visitors in the works will produce more moving changes. It is also one of the ways by which teamLab redefines interpersonal relationships towards a more positive direction.
 teamLab《天才跳房子》© teamLab
Hopscotch for Geniuses ©teamLab
One of the artistic concepts of teamLab focuses on the possibility of "interpersonal relationship: change interpersonal relationship and make the existence of others a positive experience". By this way, we believe that we can make common personal creative activities transform into co-creation with others on the basis of maintaining freedom of individuals and others. teamLab hopes to enable people to get more creative in their daily life by experiencing the fun of co-creation activities, which is also the original intention of Future Park.
In teamLab Future Park, both children or adults can experience co-creation, and work with everyone to build a city, create an ecosystem or cultivate fruits... Every exhibition work here changes in real time, and every interaction will trigger completely different results and create surprises. We can enjoy the fun of co-creation here.
此次teamLab未来游乐园(常设馆)落户的项目——中洲湾C Future City是一个总体量超130万㎡的新型城市综合体项目,涵盖300米双塔写字楼、购物中心、公园式街区、设计酒店、高品质公寓以及海景住宅。项目一期将于2022年面世。
C Future City, the project where teamLab Future Park (Permanent Exhibit), is a new urban complex project with a total volume of more than 1.3million ㎡, which covers 300m high Twin Towers, shopping mall, park block, design hotel, high-quality apartment and residence with sea views. Phase I of the project is expected to be launched in 2022.
 中洲湾C Future City鸟瞰图
Aerial view of C Future City
 中洲湾C Future City效果图
Rendering of C Future City
值得一提的是,除了引进teamLab未来游乐园(常设馆),中洲湾C Future City内部还设有teamLab特别为项目打造的永久艺术作品《水粒子世界与因人而现的漩涡》、《连续生命之立方体堆砌 ── 年复一年》等。
It is worth mentioning that in addition to teamLab Future Park (Permanent Exhibit) introduced, the project also displays permanent art works created by teamLab, including Universe of Water Particles and People Create Vortices, and Continuous Life in the Cubic Honeycomb - A Whole Year per Year, etc.
及《连续生命之立方体堆砌 ── 年复一年》© teamLab
Universe of Water Particles and People Create Vortices
and Continuous Life in the CubicHoneycomb - A Whole Year per Year © teamLab
Universe of Water Particles and People Create Vortices
水粒子世界,在“中洲湾C Future City”虚拟的三维空间中立体再现,水从那里流下,根据岩石的形状模拟水的运动,并描绘出瀑布。当人们靠近作品时,水流就会产生变化。这是依存在“中洲湾C Future City”和身处其中的人们的水粒子世界。
The waterfall was created by reproducing the space of C Future City in a three-dimensional space on a computer, letting water fall into it, and simulating the movement of water as influenced by the shape of the space. As people approach the waterfall, the flow of the water changes. It is a universe of water particles influenced by C Future City and the people there.
When a person moves, a force is applied in that direction, thereby generating a flow. The difference in the velocities of the flow and the surrounding area creates a vortex. Force is also applied by the cascading waterfall. The waterfall is changed by the presence of people, and vortices are born due to the movements of people.
 teamLab《连续生命之立方体堆砌 ── 年复一年》© teamLab
Continuous Life in the Cubic Honeycomb - A Whole Year per Year © teamLab
/连续生命之立方体堆砌 ── 年复一年
Continuous Life in the Cubic Honeycomb - A Whole Year per Year
The flowers of a year, bud, grow and blossom before their petals begin to wither and eventually fade away. The cycle of growth and decay repeats itself in perpetuity. When people approach and move around, the flowers scatter and fade away. But when people stand still near theartwork, flowers grow and bloom more abundantly.
The real time in which the viewer exists, the time of the city, and the time of the repeated life and death of the flowers, all of these different times intersect and overlap, while the viewer's body, the city, and the world of the artwork remain connected. The artwork space is an overlap of different times and space.
The artwork is not a pre-recorded image that is played back: it is created by a computer program that continuously renders the work in real time. The interaction between people and the installation causes continuous change in the artwork: previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur. The picture at this moment can never be seen again.
 中洲湾C Future City效果图
Renderings of C Future City
目前,中洲湾C Future City品牌招商已接近尾声,相关动态即将对外释放。
At present, brand investment promotion of C Future City is coming to an end, and developments are about to be released.
除此之外,中洲旗下另外一大项目——中洲坊创意中心C Future Park也备受市场瞩目。该项目位于深圳市罗湖区,一座以设计创意产业为核心的创意公园,也是深圳首个以设计和创意产业为定位的城市综合体。
In addition, another major project of Centralcon C Future Park also attracted market attention. The project is located in Luohu District, Shenzhen. It is a creative park centering on design and creative industry, and also the first urban complex in Shenzhen oriented at design and creative industry.
 中洲坊创意中心C Future Park效果图
Rendering of C Future Park
中洲坊创意中心C Future Park,以“设计改变一切 Change by Design”为发展理念。在6万㎡的占地,56万㎡的建筑面积里,通过8栋创意办公及公寓围合成一个公园式街区,其中,规划有3万㎡开放式商业群落、5万㎡城央艺术花园、3000㎡的独栋设计艺术中心。
C Future Park is designed based on the development concept of "Change by Design". It covers a land area of 60,000㎡ and a building area of 560,000㎡. 8 creative office and apartment buildings are laid out to form apark block, which includes 30,000㎡ open commercial community, 50,000㎡ central art garden and a 3000㎡ single building to function as design and art center.
A 3000㎡ single building to function as design and art center
同时,中洲坊创意中心C Future Park也是一座投资超过100亿,知名建筑事务所KPF倾力打造出的一座全球创意公园;数百家大型国际公司的创意中心、科技公司、创意公司、设计公司、互联网公司等创意驱动的优秀企业及机构,创意设计类院校、艺术廊、大型独栋的多功能艺术中心、小型剧场、大型书店、咖啡、酒吧、Vintage、生活美学品牌等构建出一个充满活力创新氛围的创意社区和知识街区。
C Future Park is also a global creative park built by a well-known architecture firm KPF with an investment of more than 10 billion. Hundreds of large international companies in the park, including creative centers, technology companies, creative companies, design companies, Internet companies and other excellent enterprises and institutions driven by creativity, creative design colleges, art galleries, largesingle family multi-functional art centers, small theaters, large bookstores, coffees, bars, vintage and brands of life aesthetics built a creative community and knowledge block full of vitality and innovation atmosphere.
 中洲坊创意中心C Future Park效果图
Renderings of C Future Park
曾有人询问中洲湾C Future City如何选择合作伙伴,中洲商置总经理、中洲未来实验室吕华表示:“和不同领域的人合作探讨未来有什么方式可以改变大家的生活,赋予生活更多积极的可能性,是中洲湾C Future City的核心理念“。
C Future City was once asked how to choose partners. Linus Lv, General Manager of Centralcon Properties and Investment and C Future Lab, said: "It is the core concept of C Future City to cooperate with people in different fields to explore ways to change life in the future and enrich life with more positive possibilities."
A positive future should not only consist of space, architecture and material things, but also high-quality content that can stimulate life inspiration of urban residents, which is the most important thing in an urban public space.



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